Performance Report For

Report date: 2024-03-12 15:26:03

Page Screenshot

Your Score


Congratulations!, this page is completely optimised. Users will be pleased!

Load Time

1.85 s

0s 1s 2s

This page has a considerably better score than the average and this metric adapts to recommended values. Will you be able to reach 1 second or less?

Total Size

7 KB


The page has an excellent weight size, it's clearly better than the average and even improves recommended parameters. The goal is to be under 500 KB in total. Well done!

HTTP Requests

1 requests

0 50 100

The browser didn't need to do too many network requests to render this page. This result is much better than the average and even the recommended parameters. Less than 25 requests is perfect.

Recommendations to optimise this page

These recommendations are presented sorted by performance impact, pick the issues with higher impact, with a lower estimated amount of work to fix them. Repeat until you're happy with the results.

Potential Impact


Server 80% Images 100% Content 83% CSS 100% JavaScript 100%

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