Performance Report For

Report date: 2024-04-11 05:15:43

Page Screenshot

Your Score


This page takes too long to load, it has a lot of improving opportunities.

Load Time

18.37 s

0s 10s 19s

Load time for this page is problematic and the user experience is being negatively affected. The goal is to be under 2 seconds in order to delight your users.

Total Size

8.2 MB


The weight of this page is problematic and user experience is being affected negatively, especially on mobile devices. The goal is to be under 500 KB in total.

HTTP Requests

90 requests

0 50 100

While this page needs less requests than the average, it's outside the recommended parameters. The goal is to be under 25 requests, this affects the overall score.

Recommendations to optimise this page

These recommendations are presented sorted by performance impact, pick the issues with higher impact, with a lower estimated amount of work to fix them. Repeat until you're happy with the results.

Potential Impact

Reduce unused JavaScript and defer loading scripts until they are required to decrease bytes consumed by network activity. Learn how to reduce unused JavaScript.

URLSizeSaving 199 KB101.64 KB 199 KB90.54 KB 37 KB29.29 KB 38 KB28.95 KB

Reduce unused rules from stylesheets and defer CSS not used for above-the-fold content to decrease bytes consumed by network activity. Learn how to reduce unused CSS.

URLSizeSaving 35 KB31.74 KB 24 KB23.9 KB 24 KB22.23 KB
/*! * Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - h... 20 KB20.25 KB 11 KB10.87 KB

Keep the server response time for the main document short because all other requests depend on it. Learn more about the Time to First Byte metric.

URLSizeSaving 0 KB0 KB


Server 70% Images 30% Content 51% CSS 0% JavaScript 13%

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